RM50.00 / Hour RM650.00 / Day

Mini Cooper S Convertible

Minimum price: RM545.00

Langkawi Luxury Car Rental Mini Cooper S Convertible: Normal Season – RM545 perday | Peak Season – RM600 perday. School holiday, Public holiday, Festive holiday will consider as Peak Season.

We offer free pick-up and drop-off at Kuah Jetty or the airport. Additionally, we provide a pick-up and drop-off service from any hotel in Langkawi for only RM20.

You can book for only RM 200.00 and pay the balance when you pickup your car. Rental counts within 24 hours are included in the daily rate; for durations exceeding 24 hours, an additional charge of RM50 per hour will apply.

All booking must complete with payment. Driver’s document such as identity card/passport must be send via whatsapp or email after we confirm your payment and booking.


Booking Form

Deposit Option RM200.00 Per item
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